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A little family in a big city.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Underwood Farms Fun

Today we spent our morning with the Bruckses at Underwood Family Farms, this adorable farm outside of LA.  They have a huge harvest festival all October with hayrides, pig races, pumpkin painting, along with all their other farm themed rides and activities.  It was the perfect fall California day.  Lake is absent from all photos as she spent her morning crying so she was tuckered out by this point! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

First Smiles

For the last couple weeks Lake has been giving us the most adorable little baby smiles!  Here are a couple that we caught on camera!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Brother and Sister

Apparently we make babies that look identical.  Here are some of Adam's one month photos compared to Lake's. 

Lake One Month

Our little baby girl is already growing so fast!  She packed on another pound and another inch since her two week appointment!  She still sleeps all day (and thankfully all night in between feedings) and LOVES to swing in her swing.  She has officially moved into her big girl crib and looks so teeny tiny.  Her routine is mainly eat, sleep, sleep sleep, and eat again three hours later.  She is awake and pretty fussy from about 5 until 8, then goes to bed for the night and wakes up again a few hours later.  Most nights she only wakes up once or twice to eat.  Anywhere between 12 and 2 and again between 4 and 5 and wakes up for the day around 8.  She still refuses to take a bottle or a paci, we'll be diligently working on that over the next few weeks!  We love her short moments of quiet awakeness, she is so calm and observant.  We even love her fussy night time as we bounce her around the house.  She tries so hard to hold her head up, and will doze in and out as she cranes her neck up to see your face.  It's adorable.

10 lbs 14 oz
23 inches

A Visit From Auntie and Baby Nora

After an amazing week with Mimi and then an amazing week with Nana (seriously, what would the world be without Grandmothers??) we had more super fun guests - Nora and Auntie!  We were all sad that Uncle Matt and Amelia couldn't be there also, but that would have been a whole other level of crazy.  Plus, we BARELY fit all three car seats in the back of my Tiguan and an extra toddler would have had us stranded.  So while Adam was at school Alicia and I nursed babies and then nursed babies some more.  With a few very quick trips to the mall or the grocery store for special k bar supplies.  With probably more nursing in the parking lot.  It was so fun for the babies to hang out, and Adam was just in heaven with the baby girls to admire and cuddle.  ("She's so cute!"  "She's looking at me!"  "Hi Baby Nora!"  "Hi Baby Lake!"  all in a voice 4 octaves higher than his normal speaking voice).  We ventured out on a few brave trips for breakfast and lunch, but otherwise just hung out at our house.  So grateful Alicia made the trip with a crazy poop exploding baby!

Cutie Girls

Auntie Snuggles

Nothing better than Nora smiles!  Look at those cheeks!

Lake has some catching up to do...