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A little family in a big city.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kidspace Museum

In this valley summer heat we are looking for activities that involve water and/or air conditioning.  Enter Kidspace, the most amazing children's museum located in Pasadena.  Adam and I spent the morning there followed by lunch and push pops in their cute cafe.  He rode trikes, climbed a bunch of amazing structures in their climbing room and played in a creek.  It was so fun and we can't wait to go back!

Sunday at the Aquarium

One of our favorite day trips is the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach.  Adam loves all the animals and we love eating lunch at Famous Dave's.  It's located right on the water in Long Beach and is absolutely gorgeous.  A perfect Sunday activity!

Hair Cut

Adan's curls are just too cute to really cut.  But we do have to get them trimmed or they get really out of control!  We opted for the cool barber shop Floyd's to take care of him.  He sits very still and quiet in the chair while they do their work.  And then - his favorite part - he gets to choose a lollipop.  He always looks so much older when we leave!