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A little family in a big city.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Christmas 2013 - California

After a magical, snow filled (and a little stomach flu filled) trip to MN, we met The Youngs (minus Tyler) in LA for Christmas at our house.  Adam got a new play kitchen from Mama and Dada including an awesome apron from Mimi and Grandad.  And a new push trike from Mimi and Grandad, which he immediately called his motorcycle (apparently in his mind he's a daredevil).  After a day at our house we hit the road and drove to California's central coast for some Paso Robles wine tasting.  We stayed right in town in an adorable house.  Adam was a trooper and enjoyed spending some quiet time in his stroller with "Wonder Pets" on the ipad.  It was such a fun week, even if we were all still a little under the weather.  We drank great wine, ate great food, and had a wonderful road trip.
Merry Christmas!

Of course he makes cake first!

already a natural

So excited to try out his motorcycle

Sweet new jacket from Uncle Tyler


Helping Mama open

and Mimi
tired cuddles

gorgeous central coast

beautiful beaches

beautiful boy

flying with dada

Mimi and Grandad

happy with a Paci and Wonder Pets

Mimi and Grandad at Cypher - Mama's favorite


Christmas 2012 - Minnesota

Snow, cut out cookies, small dinner at home with sibling, huge dinner at Kim's with the entire fam, Santa coming Christmas morning.  It was a pretty classic Haefner Christmas in Minnesota.  Santa brought Adam his very own suitcase for traveling and he was obsessed.  He also got lots of trucks and a super cool drill/tool set.

Yaya's version of cookie decorating

Waiting patiently for first presents

Getting ready

Dump truck love

Uncle Alex helping out

Papa teaching him how to drill

BEYOND excited for his very own suitcase

Ready to roll!

just drillin

Family Love

mama cuddles

Christmas Jams

Heading home

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Better Late Than Never?

After months of abandoning this poor blog, I am trying to play catch up.  Biggest Young news - we are expecting a baby girl!  Due date is September 2.  We couldn't be happier.  More details to come as I post about the past few months!