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A little family in a big city.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

15 Month Check Up

Apparently the average 1 year old gains 4 pounds between the ages of 1 and 2.  Baby Adam has gained 3 pounds in the first 3 months.  He's a big boy!!

33 1/4 inches
28 lbs 7 oz
we love dr. peter.  baby adam isn't quite sure yet.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Memorial Day Mankato

There's no better way to kick off the summer than a weekend or two at Duck Lake.  So Adam and I took off for a couple weeks.  Alex surprised us by flying out for Memorial weekend, we were so glad he got to be there too.  Since school was still in session, we stayed for a few days at Alicia, Matt and Amelia's house.  They're getting ready to move so I was happy to spend some time at their house before they pack up.  Milly and Adam had so much fun together.  By the end of the week they were like an old married couple.  They would get annoyed with each other, but also didn't want to be anywhere without the other.  Amelia can't quite say "adam," it comes out more like "amma."  Her little voice calling his name is quite possibly the cutest thing ever.  She would usually wake up first, then come to the top of the stairs and start calling his name to see if he was awake yet.  After a few days we all went down to Kato to stay at Nana and Papa's.  We spent most of the day outside, when it wasn't thunderstorming, and baby Adam would happily walk up and down the driveway for hours pushing his walker dump truck.  Milly would run circles around him, play in the sprinkler, and look for mischief.  Memorial Day weekend we all headed out to the lake with the rest of the Haefner clan.  Adam thought it was the perfect weekend to snooze away.  Amelia would swim and swim and swim.  That girl had such a blast being at the lake with all the cousins.  She jumps into the lake with such an excited squeal, you'd think she was a five year old.  She is so brave!  Babers...not so much.  He did finally brave the baby pool, at the end of the day after it baked in the sun to a nice and comfortable 82 degrees.  We grilled some great food (and by "we" I mean papa), took the boat out and played some cards.  It was the perfect Duck Lake weekend.
forced fun in the pool

having the time of her life

uncle eric

Milly loves swimming with the girlies!

gorgeous thunderstorm rainbow

throw that one papa!

memorial day outfits

he was in heaven!

uncle al
plotting to take over the haefner house

snuggles with auntie.  this was most likely followed by "little blue truck" or "goodnight goodnight construction site"

Their first carnival ride!  Awesome little Kato carnival

Such a big kid!

Milly checking out the carnival

he loves this walker!

fun in the puddles

Mar and Ginz Wedding

Right after we moved in to our new house (literally two days later), Alex and I left the baby in great hands and went to our friends' wedding in Mexico.  Mimi and Grandad stayed with Adam and they had a wonderful weekend together in the new house.  But not as wonderful as the weekend as we had!  The wedding was stunning, the resort was incredible, and we had so much fun with all of our friends.  We need more Riviera Mayas in our life!
The Beloved Hotel

Parents night out

Amazing spot to get married

fun crew